Tuesday 30 July 2019

Pioneer4You iPV V3 mini Review


I have been using this for almost more than 3 weeks with refilling times of more than 10times and the atomizer still performing great until today which is started to providing less flavor.

Hi All!!

Overall for this device, I'm absolutely recommend this to be one of yours! It did a great jobs on all perspectives although it is pricey a bit for the atomizer but it is definitely worth it with how it last and performed.

Here we are again, looking at the new IPV V3 mini with built in YIHI chipset and not to mention the auto squonk that IPV called it YIHI ESS (Electronic Spray Squonk) that claimed to be the first intelligent auto-bottom feeding device with temperature control with their YIHI chipset control (sounds pretty high end to me >_<).

Let's look at what we have on on this kit, i am quite sad to say that this kit only came with a single atomizer and also it is a proprietary atomizer named ELF ADA Atomizer.

The atomizer that came with this kit is 0.3ohm (Ni-MN alloy) while you can separately purchase 1.0ohm (SS316) which is not included in this kit.


 Here is the airflow adjustments for you to control the airflow that you prefers, the airflow comes in both side which is opposite to each others.

Here you can look at the device will detects if there is no liquid in the atomizer.

 Here you can see that there is a P2 which stands for the differents mode that you can switch between P1 and P2 mode with pressing the power button 5 times.

Here is the differents of the modes that you will get for different atomizer and what can be adjust with those mode,

  1. 0.3ohm (Ni-Mn alloy) will be getting the adjustable wattage of
  • P1 (12-15w)
  • P2 (22-25w)
          2. 1.0ohm (SS316) will be getting the adjustable wattage of
    • P1 (6-8w)
    • P2 (10.5-12.5w)

     The temperature control will be limited to 180-260c (356-500f) that you can adjust the range and also you can select in between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

    Next, here is the comparison of the size in between Smoant Pasito (left), IPV V3 mini (center) and Lost Vape Orion DNA (right).

    Overall, this iPV V3 mini impression to me is, the build is very sturdy and nice in design but still a bit bulky compare to the rest which i think Pasito is quite bulky.

    On the performance, I can say that there is a lot of new pods keep releasing and most of them is almost the same or some may be better or lesser for the same range and on my own point of view, there is almost not many of them that can perform better than Lost Vape Orion DNA (the best of pods that i think of) until i try V3 mini which i think, Finally this is the one that i can think can be better than Orion DNA for now.

    Reason of why i am saying this is, V3 mini provides a smooth firing that produce a great flavoring and also cloud that is well balance, and it might be because of the liquid that we can adjust not to fill too much or lesser to the atomizer and the liquid is separated from the atomizer itself which can keep the freshness of liquid without getting warm from the atomizer or coils. And also for me this will also prevent a spitback issue as we will wet the cotton if we left it overnight or unused for a specific time and also we can dry out the liquid by sucks it back to the tank without having it to left in the atomizer.

    As you will ask me, if this is worth of getting it? I will said that if you have the budget of upgrading than this is worth it! it seems to me that this device will be perform and much easier to maintain as we are in control of almost everything from the temperature to the coils, as almost everyone of us, the biggest concern is how long the coils or atomizer will last and how long the liquid will get worst. In comparison of the cost of atomizer and the kit itself, you might able to get this cheaper than Orion DNA but with more functions compare to it and the Atomizer replacement is also the same price range with the DNA as well, but only think you need to concern is about the size of it, as i mentioned above, it is Bulky! but not as bulky as the MOD that we used to have.

    Ok, I think this is much longer than I always write (I might be missing some important parts of information that you need, feel free to leave a message and i will answer you below) :P , all above opinions is not related to any party or person, this is only purely my own view and i have no credits of giving it, so i hope that you will help me to share this as many as you can, as i am having high hopes of support from viewers :P Thanks in advance! 

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